Babies, Toddlers, & Preschoolers with participating adult: 30 minutes
September 9-December 4
No Storytimes the week of November 25
Mondays: 9:30 am, 10:30 am, 11:30 am, 7 pm
32649 Electric Blvd
Avon Lake, OH 44012
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United States
Babies, Toddlers, & Preschoolers with participating adult: 30 minutes
September 9-December 4
No Storytimes the week of November 25
Mondays: 9:30 am, 10:30 am, 11:30 am, 7 pm
Babies, Toddlers, & Preschoolers with participating adult: 30 minutes
September 9-December 4
No Storytimes the week of November 25
Mondays: 9:30 am, 10:30 am, 11:30 am, 7 pm
Babies, Toddlers, & Preschoolers with participating adult: 30 minutes
September 9-December 4
No Storytimes the week of November 25
Mondays: 9:30 am, 10:30 am, 11:30 am, 7 pm
Grab a bite to read! Each month participants will select and prepare a themed recipe (10-12 servings) from the library's cookbook collection. We'll sample our culinary creations and exchange recipes.
We cannot guarantee food served has not come into contact with tree nuts, soy, or other allergens.
Monthly Lorain County Moms Demand Action meeting
Willie and Rachel Scott of TKI Publishing will speak to authors and aspiring authors about what happens after your book is published. In “A Book & A Brand” workshop, they will share how to create a brand that people will remembe
Meeting of the Erie Shores Photography Club
Grades 1-3
Register and pick up your copy of the book at the the Children's desk one month prior to each session.
We will be reading Thanksgiving on Thursday.