Opening of the bids for the DiscoveryWorks Renovation Project. Open to the public.
Pre-employment transition services
Volunteers sort, organize and vet returned eclipse glasses for recycling.
Study group
Picture Day. Each team will have a 30 minute window to come and get their individual photos taken.
Beaches Kick Glass!
Thursday, April 25, 6pm
Sessions led by Chuck Heindrichs. Bring your guitar, capo and music stand and jam with other guitarists.
Songs used are well known 50's, 60's, 70's compositions and more. Music provided by Chuck and ALPL.
Like to play a Ukulele and know basic chords and strumming?
Then come and join with the ALPL Ukulele Jammers every Thursday evening, 7-8 PM.
This event is open to everyone who plays a Ukulele!
Professional genealogist Rea Newell presents an overview of various types of technology that can help you in your genealogical research.
Mayor Mark Spaetzel City Address