AARP tax preparation
Babies, toddlers, and preschoolers with participating adult
Enjoy stories, fingerplays, music, and crafts with the Children’s Department staff. 30 minutes.
Babies, toddlers, and preschoolers with participating adult
Enjoy stories, fingerplays, music, and crafts with the Children’s Department staff. 30 minutes.
Babies, toddlers, and preschoolers with participating adult
Enjoy stories, fingerplays, music, and crafts with the Children’s Department staff. 30 minutes.
Board games, card games, and snacks will be available in the Teen area on the first Wednesday of each month.
All ages
Wednesdays: January 3, February 7, March 3, April 3, May 1, 3:30pm-6pm.
Bring your cards to play or trade with other Poke-enthusiasts. No registration.
Natural Resources in Minecraft Join in our life-sized Minecraft event while you learn about our natural resources and conservation.
Study group
Monthly meeting for our troop.
On March 6th at 6:30PM, our program will feature David DesRochers, who will be discussing “Painting with Cameras”. David’s web site is: - https://www.desrochers
Bible Study