Enjoy stories, fingerplays, music, and crafts with the Children’s Department staff. 30 minutes.
Enjoy stories, fingerplays, music, and crafts with the Children’s Department staff. 30 minutes.
work calls and study time
Conference call
No registration. A limited number of tickets are available at the Children’s desk, beginning 15 minutes before each scheduled time. Tickets are picked up on a first-come, first-served basis each week.
Capstone Project
Silly Sounds Make a musical membranophone using a water bottle and a paper tube.
Experiment, explore, create! Join us for an hour of hands-on science and art activities in the DiscoveryWorks Classroom. Ages 8-11.
Girls and their families will learn about the Girl Scout program and do a Girl Scout activity.
Girls and their families will learn about the Girl Scout program and do a Girl Scout activity.
The Erie Shores Photography Club presents speakers on the first Wednesday of the month. On the third Wednesday, the Photography Club members will present their work for competition. The public is welcome to attend.
to meet