Enjoy stories, fingerplays, music, and crafts with the Children’s Department staff. 30 minutes.
Zoom meetings
Enjoy stories, fingerplays, music, and crafts with the Children’s Department staff. 30 minutes.
No registration. A limited number of tickets are available at the Children’s desk, beginning 15 minutes before each scheduled time. Tickets are picked up on a first-come, first-served basis each week.
Sit down and enjoy a cuppa (British slang for a cup of coffee or tea) while discussing books by British authors featuring coppers from various walks of life.
Bring your cards to play or trade with other Poke-enthusiasts.
The teen area and our large meeting room are yours on the first Wednesday of each month. Bring your collectable cards to play or trade, your D&D group that needs space, or your board games. Snacks provided.
Sit down and enjoy a cuppa (British slang for a cup of coffee or tea) while discussing books by British authors featuring coppers from various walks of life.
The Paris Apartment by Lucy Foley
Magical Moving Drawings Use a little chemistry to make your drawings dance on water!
HOA Annual Meeting
Erie Shores Photography Club presents (via Zoom) Seeing the Landscape: Light and Composition
Westwinds South HOA Annual
to meet