Enjoy stories, fingerplays, music, and crafts with the Children’s Department staff. 30 minutes.
Halloween cookie decorating activity
Enjoy stories, fingerplays, music, and crafts with the Children’s Department staff. 30 minutes.
No registration. A limited number of tickets are available at the Children’s desk, beginning 15 minutes before each scheduled time. Tickets are picked up on a first-come, first-served basis each week.
Faster and Farther Build a basic rubber band car, then tweak your design to help it go faster and farther!
Each month we'll have a lively discussion about a novel with a surprise "twist" in the plot. Books will be available at the Information Desk or via Hoopla.
Twice a month library computer technician Maxx Mittelstadt will cover a technology topic. Always check the library calendar for upcoming topics.
Cutting the Cord: Roku
Step by Step explanation of how to use a Roku streaming player.
Legacy Pointe #3 Annual Meeting
No registration. A limited number of tickets are available at the Children’s desk, beginning 15 minutes before each scheduled time. Tickets are picked up on a first-come, first-served basis each week.