Enjoy stories, fingerplays, music, and crafts with the Children’s Department staff. 30 minutes.
Enjoy stories, fingerplays, music, and crafts with the Children’s Department staff. 30 minutes.
No registration. A limited number of tickets are available at the Children’s desk, beginning 15 minutes before each scheduled time. Tickets are picked up on a first-come, first-served basis each week.
NEW in September 2022!
Lorain County Workforce Development Agency staff will be at ALPL on the 1st and 3rd Tuesday of every month from 1-4:30pm.
It’s tea time at the library! You are invited to join us for an afternoon of tea, cookies, and a friendly discussion about a great book. Feel free to bring your favorite tea cup. Books for the following month are available at each meeting and at the Information Desk, but quantities are limited.
The selection for this month is When the Stars Go Dark by Paula McLain.
zoom meeting
It’s tea time at the library! You are invited to join us for an afternoon of tea, cookies, and a friendly discussion about a great book. Feel free to bring your favorite tea cup. Books for the following month are available at each meeting and at the Information Desk, but quantities are limited.
The selection for this month is When the Stars Go Dark by Paula McLain.
Medicare 101: Everything You Need To Know About Medicare (featured presenter: Larry Riddell)
We are an organization that partners with local agents looking educate seniors turning 65 on the complexities of Medicare. We conduct workshops on the basics of Medicare which are free and open to the public.
Our trophy ceremony for our U11 boys team and their parents was supposed to be held outside Tuesday evening. Due to inclement weather, we are seeking a warm and dry place to distribute awards.
Six Week Beginner Ukulele Lessons - 10/11 through 11/15.
John Kerver will take participants through basics of the ukulele. He will teach some basic chords
to get everyone strumming.
No registration. A limited number of tickets are available at the Children’s desk, beginning 15 minutes before each scheduled time. Tickets are picked up on a first-come, first-served basis each week.