Tax assistance for elderly and low-income households.
Babies, toddlers, & preschoolers with a participating adult- 30 minutes.
Babies, toddlers, & preschoolers with a participating adult- 30 minutes.
Babies, toddlers, & preschoolers with a participating adult- 30 minutes.
Ready for a little romance in your life? Why not join The Digital Damsels (with no distress) Book Club? Each month we will download a romance novel utilizing Hoopla or Overdrive available through the Avon Lake Public Library.
NOTE: This event requires the use of stairs. It is not recommended for patrons with mobility issues. The Library elevator is out-of-service for the foreseeable future, and we apologize for the inconvenience.
The Avon Lake Public Library does not endorse the views expressed by any group or individual, using its meeting rooms, but does endorse the right of those groups or individuals to express their views so long as they abide by the policies and rules, governing the use of library meeting rooms and confirm to local community standards of decency.
The epic adventures continue! Gina will still be your Dungeon Master as we continue D&D on Wednesdays. New players need to register by February 7 to attend our first meeting on February 12. Ages 12-17.
Bring your cards to play or trade with other Poke-enthusiasts. All ages.
Meeting of the Erie Shores Photography Club
Monthly Meeting